Yellow Lab Updates from Fall 2022 to Spring 2024!

Hello from the Yellow Lab! Since returning to fully in-person research after the pandemic, the Yellow Lab has some long-overdue updates about what we’ve been doing over the past couple of years. Below are some recent photos of the lab taken in Fall 2023 and Spring 2024.

Yellow Lab at the 2022 Psychonomic Society Conference in Boston, MA.

In November of 2022, lab coordinator Erin Kim, research assistants Shanthi Soans, Grace Hu, and Ellie Pan, and lab director Professor Hilary Barth traveled to Boston, MA, to present a poster at the Psychonomic Society conference. The lab presented the poster, “Left Digit Effect in Number Line Estimation with Leading Zeros Target Numerals.” Lab coordinator Nick Alia, who works with Andrea Patalano at Wesleyan’s Reasoning and Decision-Making Lab, also attended this conference.

Wesleyan’s Psychology Department Poster Session, 2023

The Yellow Lab members were a part of Wesleyan University’s annual poster session held by the Psychology Department. The poster session was held virtually this year, allowing even some Yellow Lab parents to join from far away! All lab members represented the Yellow Lab and presented two posters.

Lab coordinator Erin Kim and research assistants Jessica Pordy, Abby Wolk, Emily Hauser, Molly Fung, Suchita Sridhara, Ellie Pan, Shanthi Soans, and Grace Hu, presented the lab’s child study, “Children’s Inferences About Novel Groups from Verbal Statements.” This work was done with the help of lab coordinator Erin Kim, Jessica Pordy, Ellie Pan, Emily Hauser, Molly Fung, Suchita Sridhara, Addie Defoe, Abby Wolk, Shanthi Soans, Jinjia (Grace) Hu, Sarah Hammond, Leah Vaidya, Courtney Litts, Selena Delgado, Rachel Hsu, and professor Hilary Barth. The second poster presented was an adult numerical cognition poster entitled “Left Digit Effect in Number Line Estimation with Leading Zero and Ten-Thousands Target Numerals.”

Yellow Lab at the 2023 Psychonomic Society Conference in San Francisco, CA.

In November 2023, lab coordinator Erin Kim traveled to San Francisco, CA, to present a poster at the Psychonomic Society conference. She presented the poster, “Context Matters: “Left Digit Effects” Aren’t Really Left Digit Effects.” She also connected with Wesleyan Yellow Lab Alum, Julia Xing! Lab coordinator Nick Alia, who works with Andrea Patalano at Wesleyan’s Reasoning and Decision-Making Lab, also attended this conference. 

Yellow Lab at the 2024 Eastern Psychological Association Conference in Philadelphia, PA.

The Yellow Lab presented a poster at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference in February 2024 in Philadelphia, PA. Research assistants Ellie Pan and Suchita Sridhara presented the lab’s adult study, “Space/time metaphors: A multi-year replication and extension.” This work was done with the help of Ellie Pan, Suchita Sridhara, Zariah Greene, lab coordinator Erin Kim, Jessica Pordy, Molly Fung, Addie Defoe, Elia Matrician, Cameron Bourassa, and professor Hilary Barth.

Yellow Lab at the 2024 Cognitive Development Society Conference in Pasadena, CA.

In March 2024, lab coordinator Erin Kim traveled to Pasadena, CA, to represent the Yellow Lab at the 2024 Cognitive Development Society Conference. Erin presented the Yellow Lab’s child study, “What do children learn from statements about opportunities for novel social groups?” This work was done with the help of lab coordinator Erin Kim, Jessica Pordy, Ellie Pan, Emily Hauser, Molly Fung, Suchita Sridhara, Addie Defeo, Abby Wolk, Shanthi Soans, Jinjia (Grace) Hu, Sarah Hammond, Leah Vaidya, Courtney Litts, Selena Delgado, Rachel Hsu, and professor Hilary Barth.

Blue Lab members and Blue Lab director Professor Anna Shusterman also attended this conference! Lab coordinators Skye Gasataya and Pritha Sengupta and one undergraduate student, Saige Rovero, presented a poster about children’s numerical cognition. Skye presented a poster entitled, “Enhancing the mathematical landscape in preschool classrooms: opportunities and challenges of implementing a play-based early numeracy intervention.” Pritha’s poster was entitled, “An analysis of assessments of specific and general math skills for preschool children.” And lastly, Saige’s poster was called, “Reassessing children’s cardinal principle knowledge on the give-a-number task.”

Wesleyan’s Psychology Department Poster Session, 2024

In April 2024, the CDL attended Wesleyan University’s annual poster session, which was held by the Psychology Department. The thesis and research students presented their work. Eight lab members, who presented two posters, represented the Yellow Lab.

Lab coordinator Erin Kim and research assistants Jessica Pordy, Addie Defoe, Molly Fung, Suchita Sridhara, and Annie Fabian presented the lab’s child study, “What do children learn from statements about opportunities for novel social groups?” This work was done with the help of lab coordinator Erin Kim, Jessica Pordy, Ellie Pan, Emily Hauser, Molly Fung, Suchita Sridhara, Addie Defoe, Abby Wolk, Shanthi Soans, Jinjia (Grace) Hu, Sarah Hammond, Leah Vaidya, Courtney Litts, Selena Delgado, Rachel Hsu, and professor Hilary Barth.

Research Assistants Elia Matrician and Cameron Bourassa presented the lab’s adult study, “Space/time metaphors: A multi-year replication and extension.” This work was done with the help of Ellie Pan, Suchita Sridhara, Zariah Greene, lab coordinator Erin Kim, Jessica Pordy, Molly Fung, Addie Defoe, Elia Matrician, Cameron Bourassa, and Professor Hilary Barth.