Five undergraduate students conducted research in the lab this summer, culminating in presentations at the annual Summer Research Poster Session. Anima Acheampong ’11 and Rachel Santiago ’12 presented a poster entitled “Developmental Change in Children’s Numerical Estimation”. Martine Seiden ’11 presented her research in a poster entitled “Implicit Proportional Reasoning in Four- and Five-Year Olds”. Mattie Liskow ’11 presented “Investigating Sources of Change in 5-7-year-olds’ Numerical Estimation,” and Shipra Kanjlia ’12 presented “The Cognitive Development of Numerical Representation: the Role of Corrective Feedback”. Shipra Kanjlia ’12 also presented her summer research at a McNair conference at Wayne State University in Detroit, and Anima Acheampong ’11 presented her work on a study about children’s social knowledge at a McNair conference in New York.
Additionally, the lab received a NSF grant to fund research on mathematical cognition, learning, and development (more information in Wesleyan University’s newsletter). Jennifer Garcia ’10 became the new lab coordinator, and postdoctoral fellow Emily Slusser joined the lab to work with Hilary Barth and Anna Shusterman.
Yellow Lab, Summer 2010. Shown left to right: Jenn Garcia, Martine Seiden, Anima Acheampong, Mattie Liskow, Shipra Kanjlia, Hilary Barth, Rachel Santiago.
Rachel Santiago and Anima Acheampong (left) and Martine Seiden (right) present their research at the annual Summer Research Poster Session
Shipra Kanjilia presents her research at the student poster session.