Lab Publications


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Language and Conceptual Development

Slusser, E., Ribner, A., & Shusterman, A. (2019). Language counts: Early language mediates the relationship between parent education and children’s math ability. Developmental science22(3), e12773. PDF

Shusterman, A. & Li, P. (2016). Frames of reference in spatial language acquisition. Cognitive Psychology. PDF

Shusterman, A. & Li, P. (2016). A framework for work on frames of reference. In: Barner, D. and Baron, A., (Eds.), Core Knowledge and Conceptual Change, Oxford University Press. PDF

Shusterman, A., Lee, S.A., & Spelke, E.S. (2011). Cognitive effects of language on human navigation. Cognition, 120, 186-201. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2011.04.004 PDF

Pyers, J., Shusterman, A., Senghas, A., Emmorey, K., Spelke, E. (2010). Evidence from users of an emerging sign language reveals that language supports spatial cognition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PDF

Shusterman, A., Gibson, D., & Finder, B. (2010). Early acquisition of the word “two.” Proceedings of the 2009 Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press. 

Lee, S.A., Shusterman, A., & Spelke, E. (2006). Reorientation and landmark-guided search in children: Evidence for two systems. Psychological Science, 17, 577-582. PDF

Shusterman, A. & Spelke, E. (2005). Language and the development of spatial reasoning. In P. Carruthers, S. Laurence and S. Stich (eds.), The Structure of the Innate Mind. Oxford University Press. PDF

Numerical and Mathematical Cognition

Patalano, A. L., Kayton, K., & Barth, H. (2023). Modeling the left digit effect in adult number line estimation. Cognition, 230, 105257. PDF

Kayton, K., Williams, K., Stenbaek, C., Gwiazda, G., Bondhus, C., Green, J., Fischer, G., Barth, H., & Patalano, A.L. (2022). Summary accuracy feedback and the left digit effect in number line estimation. Memory & Cognition, 1-15. PDF

Patalano, A.L., Williams, K., Weeks, G., Kayton, K., & Barth, H. (2022). The left digit effect in a complex judgment task: Evaluating hypothetical college applicants. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 35, e2247. PDF

Williams, K., Zax, A., Patalano, A.L., & Barth, H. (2022). Left digit effects in numerical estimation across development. Journal of Cognition & Development 23, 188-209. PDF

Barth, H., & Shusterman, A. (2021). Numerical cognition needs more and better distinctions, not fewer. Commentary on Clarke & Beck. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 44. PDF

Xing, C., Zax., A., Taggart, J., Bass, I., George, E.& Barth, H. (2021). Numerical estimation strategies are correlated with math ability in school-age children. Cognitive Development 60, 101089. PDF

Savelkouls, S., Williams, K., & Barth, H. (2020). Linguistic inversion and numerical estimation. Journal of Numerical Cognition 6, PDF

Williams, K., Paul, J., Zax, A., Barth, H., & Patalano, A.L. (2020). Number line estimation and standardized test performance: The left digit effect does not predict SAT math score. Brain & Behavior 10, e01877. PDF

Patalano, A.L., Zax, A., Williams, K., Mathias, L., Cordes, S., & Barth, H. (2020). Intuitive symbolic magnitude judgments and decision making under risk in adults. Cognitive Psychology, 118, 101273. PDF

Slusser, E., Ribner, A., & Shusterman, A. (2019). Language counts: Early language mediates the relationship between parent education and children’s math ability. Developmental science22(3), e12773. PDF

Zax, A., Slusser, E.B., Barth, H. (2019). Spontaneous partitioning and proportion estimation in children’s numerical judgments. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 185, 71-94. PDF 

Lai, M., Zax, A., & Barth, H. (2018). Digit identity influences numerical estimation in children and adults. Developmental Science, 21, e12657. PDF

Slusser, E., & Barth, H. (2017). Intuitive proportion judgment in number-line estimation: Converging evidence from multiple tasks. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 162, 181-198. PDF

McCrink, K., Shafto, P., & Barth, H. (2017). The relationship between non-symbolic multiplication and division in childhood. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, 686-702. PDF

Cheung, M.P., Slusser, E., & Shusterman, A. (2016). A 6-month longitudinal study on numerical estimation in preschoolers. Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF

Shusterman, A., Slusser, E., Halberda, J., & Odic, D. (2016). Acquisition of the cardinal principle coincides with improvement in Approximate Number System acuity in preschoolers. PloS One11(4), e0153072. PDF

Barth, H., Slusser, E., Kanjlia, S., Garcia, J., Taggart, J., & Chase, E. (2016). How feedback improves children’s numerical estimation. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23, 1198-1205. PDF

Patalano, A., Saltiel, J., Machlin, L., & Barth, H. (2015). The role of numeracy and approximate number system acuity in predicting value and probability distortion. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 1820-1829. PDF

Slusser, E., Santiago, R., & Barth, H. (2013). Developmental change in numerical estimation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142,193-208. PDF  

Barth, H., & Paladino, A.M. (2011). The development of numerical estimation: Evidence against a representational shift. Developmental Science, 14, 125-135. PDF

Barth, H., Slusser, E., Cohen, D., & Paladino, A.M. (2011). A sense of proportion: Commentary on Opfer, Siegler, & Young. Developmental Science, 14, 1205-1206. PDF 

Sullivan, J., Juhasz, B., Slattery, T., & Barth, H. (2011). Adults’ number-line estimation strategies: evidence from eye movements. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 18, 557-563. PDF

Shusterman, A., Gibson, D., & Finder, B. (2010). Early acquisition of the word “two.”Proceedings of the 2009 Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press. 

Barth, H., Starr, A., & Sullivan, J. (2009). Children’s mappings of large number words to numerosities. Cognitive Development, 24, 248-264. PDF

Barth, H., Baron, A., Spelke, E., & Carey, S. (2009). Children’s multiplicative transformations of discrete and continuous quantities. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 103, 441-454. PDF

Barth, H. (2008). Judgments of discrete and continuous quantity: An illusory Stroop effect.Cognition 109, 251-266. PDF

Barth, H. (2008). Do mental magnitudes form part of the foundation for natural number concepts? Don’t count them out yet. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 31, 644-645. PDF (pages 644-645)

Barth, H., Beckmann, L., & Spelke, E. (2008). Nonsymbolic, approximate arithmetic in children: Evidence for abstract addition prior to instruction.Developmental Psychology 44, 1466-1477. PDF This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the APA journal. It is not the copy of record.

Cappelletti, M., Barth, H., Fregni, F., Spelke, E.S., & Pascual-Leone, A. (2007). rTMS over the intraparietal sulcus disrupts numerosity processing. Experimental Brain Research, 179, 631-642. PDF

Barth, H., La Mont, K., Lipton, J., Dehaene, S., Kanwisher, N., and Spelke, E. (2006). Nonsymbolic arithmetic in adults and young children. Cognition, 98, 199-222. PDF

Barth, H., La Mont, K., Lipton, J., and Spelke, E. (2005). Abstract number and arithmetic in preschool children. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102, 14116-14121. PDF

Barth, H., Kanwisher, N., and Spelke, E. (2003). The construction of large number representations in adults. Cognition,86, 201-221. PDF

Spatial and Temporal Cognition

Vieites, V., Reeb-Sutherland, B., Shusterman, A., & Pruden, S. (2019). Using Hippocampal-Dependent Eyeblink Conditioning to Predict Individual Differences in Spatial Reorientation Strategies in 3- to 6-Year-Olds. Developmental science, e12867. PDF

Zax, A., Williams, K., Patalano, A.L., Slusser, E.B., Cordes, S., & Barth, H. (2019). What do biased estimates tell us about cognitive processing? Spatial judgments as proportion estimation. Journal of Cognition and Development, 20, 702-728. PDF

Shusterman, A. & Li, P. (2016). Frames of reference in spatial language acquisition. Cognitive Psychology. PDF

Shusterman, A. & Li, P. (2016). A framework for work on frames of reference. In: Barner, D. and Baron, A., (Eds.), Core Knowledge and Conceptual Change, Oxford University Press. PDF

Barth, H., Lesser, E., Taggart, J., & Slusser, E.B. (2015). Spatial estimation: a non-Bayesian alternative. Developmental Science 18, 853-862. PDF

Sullivan, J., & Barth, H. (2012). Active (not passive) spatial imagery primes temporal judgments. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65,1101-1109. PDF

Shusterman, A., Lee, S.A., & Spelke, E.S. (2011). Cognitive effects of language on human navigation. Cognition, 120, 186-201. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2011.04.004 PDF

Pyers, J., Shusterman, A., Senghas, A., Emmorey, K., Spelke, E. (2010). Evidence from users of an emerging sign language reveals that language supports spatial cognition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PDF

Shusterman, A., Lee, S. A., & Spelke, E. (2008). Young children’s spontaneous use of geometric information in maps. Developmental Science, 11, F1-F7. PDF

Lee, S.A., Shusterman, A., & Spelke, E. (2006). Reorientation and landmark-guided search in children: Evidence for two systems. Psychological Science, 17, 577-582. PDF

Shusterman, A. & Spelke, E. (2005). Language and the development of spatial reasoning. In P. Carruthers, S. Laurence and S. Stich (eds.), The Structure of the Innate Mind. Oxford University Press. PDF

Decision Making

Patalano, A.L., Williams, K., Weeks, G., Kayton, K., & Barth, H. (2022). The left digit effect in a complex judgment task: Evaluating hypothetical college applicants. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 35, e2247. PDF

Patalano, A.L., Zax, A., Williams, K., Mathias, L., Cordes, S., & Barth, H. (2020). Intuitive symbolic magnitude judgments and decision making under risk in adults. Cognitive Psychology, 118, 101273. PDF

Xing, C., Williams, K., Hom, J., Kandlur, M., Owoyemi, P., Paul, J., … & Barth, H. (2020). Partition dependence in financial aid distribution to income categories. Plos One, 15, e0231135. PDF

Williams, K., Zax, A., Reichelson, S., Patalano, A. L., & Barth, H. (2020). Developmental change in partition dependent resource allocation behavior. Memory & Cognition, 1-8. PDF

Reichelson, S., Zax, A., Patalano, A. L., & Barth, H. (2019). Partition dependence in development: Are children’s decisions shaped by the arbitrary grouping of options?. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72, 1029-1036. PDF

Reichelson, S., Zax, A., Bass, I., Patalano, A. L., & Barth, H. (2018). Partition dependence in consumer choice: Perceptual groupings do not reliably shape decisions. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25, 1178-1183. PDF

Patalano, A., Saltiel, J., Machlin, L., & Barth, H. (2015). The role of numeracy and approximate number system acuity in predicting value and probability distortion. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 1820-1829. PDF

Social Cognition

Brew, K., Clark, T., Feingold-Link, J., & Barth, H. (2021). Do demand characteristics contribute to minimal group preferences? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 204, 10043. PDF

Schug, M.G., Shusterman, A., Barth, H., & Patalano, A.L. (2016). Early group bias in the Faroe Islands: Cross-cultural variation in children’s group-based reasoning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69, 1741-1751. PDF

Barth, H., Bhandari, K., Garcia, J., MacDonald, K., & Chase, E. (2014). Preschoolers trust novel members of accurate speakers’ groups and judge them favorably. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67,872-883. PDF

Leonard, J. A., Berkowitz, T., & Shusterman, A. (2014). The effect of friendly touch on delay-of-gratification in preschool children. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 67, 2123-2133. PDF

MacDonald, K., Schug, M.G., Chase, E., & Barth, H. (2013). My people, right or wrong? Minimal group membership disrupts preschoolers’ selective trust. Cognitive Development 28, 247-259. PDF

Schug, M.G., Shusterman, A., Barth, H., & Patalano, A.L. (2013). Minimal group membership influences children’s responses to novel experiences with group members. Developmental Science 16,47-55. PDF

Bhandari, K., & Barth, H. (2010). Show or tell: Testimony is sufficient to induce the curse of knowledge in three- and four-year-olds. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63,209-215. PDF

Perceptual Science

Anderson, B.L., O’Vari, J., & Barth, H. (2011). Non-Bayesian contour synthesis. Current Biology, 21, 492-496. PDF

Anderson, B.L., and Barth, H.C. (1999). Motion-based mechanisms of illusory contour formation. Neuron, 24, 433-441. PDF

Research to Practice

Shusterman, A., May, N., Melvin, S., Kumar, S., Blumenstock, S., Toomey, M., & Lewis, S. (2019, September 23). Working in the research-to-practice gap: Case studies, core principles, and a call to action. PDF

Additional Topics

Shusterman, A., Feld, L., Baer, L. & Keuthen, N. (2009). Affective regulation in trichotillomania: Evidence from a large-scale internet survey. Behavior research and therapy,47, 637-44. PDF

Mordkoff, J. T., and Barth, H. (2001). Using pre-pulse inhibition to study attentional capture: a warning about pre-pulse correlations. In Attraction, Distraction, and Action: Multiple Perspectives on Attentional Capture, C. Folk and B. Gibson, eds.